Un travaglio di 38 ore le salva la vita: ecco cosa scopre dopo la nascita della figlia

Collect of Catherine Dell in hospital after having surgery to remove a tumour from her brain. Detective Constable Catherine Dell has told how her baby daughter saved her life after doctors found a brain tumour the size of a golf ball when she had a seizure caused by her 38-hour LABOUR. See Newsteam story NTIPOLICE; Detective Constable Catherine Dell, 39, was forced to have an emergency caesarean section after she was in labour for a day-and-a-half. But she suffered a violent seizure just hours after baby Jessica was born on February 26, 2014. Doctors ran test and scans which revealed Catherine had a 4cm-long tumour on the front right-hand side of her brain. Medics told her her body's tolerance to the tumour had decreased because she was so tired from her 38-hour labour which prompted the seizure. Catherine then went under the knife for a biopsy on April 16, 2014 where luckily her surgeon managed to remove her benign Ganglioglioma Grade One tumour.
Collect of Catherine Dell in hospital after having surgery to remove a tumour from her brain. Detective Constable Catherine Dell has told how her baby daughter saved her life after doctors found a brain tumour the size of a golf ball when she had a seizure caused by her 38-hour LABOUR. See Newsteam story NTIPOLICE; Detective Constable Catherine Dell, 39, was forced to have an emergency caesarean section after she was in labour for a day-and-a-half. But she suffered a violent seizure just hours after baby Jessica was born on February 26, 2014. Doctors ran test and scans which revealed Catherine had a 4cm-long tumour on the front right-hand side of her brain. Medics told her her body’s tolerance to the tumour had decreased because she was so tired from her 38-hour labour which prompted the seizure. Catherine then went under the knife for a biopsy on April 16, 2014 where luckily her surgeon managed to remove her benign Ganglioglioma Grade One tumour.
Un travaglio di 38 ore le ha salvato la vita. Catherine Dell, neomamma inglese di 39 anni, è stata salvata dalla sua bambina che di venire al mondo proprio non ne voleva sapere.
La donna dopo 38 ore di travaglio è stata costretta a fare un cesareo d’urgenza. Subito dopo l’intervento però si è sentita male, così i medici hanno eseguito una serie di analisi e test che hanno evidenziato un cancro al cervello grande come una palla da golf. «Non ho mai avuto alcun sintomo, alcun problema», ha raccontato la donna a Metro, «È stato terribile scoprirlo dopo la nascita di mia figlia, credevo che non ce l’avrei fatta». Da quel momento la donna ha subito un intervento e una serie di terapie affrontando gli effetti della malattia, come le convulsioni. Il processo per la guarigione è stato lungo, ma oggi la donna sta meglio e ha una vita normale con la sua bambina.


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